We understand finding the right home for you or a relative can be stressful and upsetting. That’s why we work closely with you and your individual needs to help reassure you that Rochcare homes are the best place for your loved one to call home.
All four Rochcare homes, across the North West, provide residential care for people aged 65+, living with age-related difficulties or dementia. The care we provide covers a wide range of needs, from substantial help and support with personal care, help with medication and mobility and companionship and peace of mind. Trained staff care for those living in our homes 24 hours a day as well as facilitating trips out into the community and regular social activities.
When looking for the perfect care home for you, location is an important factor. Staying close to friends, family and the community you feel a part of can be a huge factor when trying to find the right care home for you. Having support networks close by can mean you retain your independence and can really help make the transition from your own home to a care setting easier. Family and friends often feel reassured too, knowing that although you’ve moved from your current home, you’re still close by and they can visit you whenever you like. To find your nearest Rochcare home, enter your postcode here > https://rochcare.com/our-homes/
You should also consider what level of care is provided and if it meets your needs. Care homes often have specialist equipment, training and experience with specific types of care requirements. You’ll need to consider if these elements meet your needs now, and any care needs you may experience in the future. Rochcare homes offer moving and handling aids, a nurse call system day and night, specialist bathing and showering facilities and advanced training for all staff on how to care for those living with dementia. We take time to get to know you and will create a detailed digital care plan with the help of you and your family. Your care plan ensures our care teams are in the best possible position to help you live a full and happy life.
We believe that having things to look forward to and a sense of purpose is very important, so we help people get the most from each day in whatever way is most appropriate for them. When looking into care homes, you may want to consider if the activities and social opportunities on offer align with your preferences. At Rochcare, our residents are free to spend their time how they choose and we facilitate regular activities for all interests, abilities and mobility styles. Activities include crafts, baking, massage and beauty treatments, reading/sewing groups and trips into the local community. A great way to experience the activities on offer is to look at the Facebook page of any of our homes, where we share lots of pictures of the type of things we get up to.
We encourage people to tour our homes and speak with the home manager when looking into any of our Rochcare homes. You can ask any questions and have the opportunity to form an impression of the home for yourself. However, another great way to learn more about a home and the care they provide is to read reviews and testimonials from people who already live there and their families. You can read reviews on all our homes at carehome.co.uk, an independent UK care home review website. You can also read a selection of recent testimonials here > https://rochcare.com/testimonials/
Finally, you’ll need to consider if the cost of a care home works for you and your family. Depending on your financial position, the cost of living in a care home will need to be covered by you, your family, local authorities, or a mixture of these. Living in a care home does have financial benefits, such as all your meals, laundry service, equipment and maintenance costs, are all included. However, it’s something you may want to discuss with your loved ones when looking at care homes, so you know what your options are and can ask informed questions when viewing a home for the first time.
If you or a loved one require residential care and are considering the move into a care home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our team will help to answer any questions you have and can put you in touch with the team from your preferred Rochcare home to arrange a no-obligation tour or phone call with the manager.
If moving into a care home isn’t right for you just yet, you may want to explore respite care, daycare, or home care. You can find more details about all of these services offered by Rochcare here > https://rochcare.com/